We have set up a profile with Adopt Together. We have a link to our profile over on the side here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
where you can make a tax deductible contribution to our adoption efforts. Truly, we want to use this resource for ease and efficiency for folks to pay for adoption fundraisers. For instance, we are planning a 5K in the Fall [details to come] and we're happy to have this profile for you to pay your registration. Great, right? I'm excited and thankful.
So, here's the fundraising update.
- August 24th
- September 7th [Bake Sale too]
- Donations: clothes, toys, books, furniture, household items...
- Volunteers:
- Pre-sale: sorting, pricing, organizing
- Sale day: set up, tear down
- Bake Sale donations for September 7th
***We are more than happy to pick up any donations!***
- Donations: clothes, accessories [scarves, purses, jewelry], shoes
IRON BOWL BATTLE: [Name still in the works]
- Attention sports fans!!! Starting August 31st we are kicking off College Football season with a battle royale! [please start reading this in a movie trailer guy voice] A competition as fierce and cut throat as the Iron Bowl itself! Auburn Tigers vs. Alabama Crimson Tide[s, Tiders...Tidesmen?] Elephants... An adoption fundraiser like non-other. Which team will win it ALL?!?
- Okay... seriously, starting August 31st, we're starting a Auburn vs. Alabama competition to see which team's fans can raise the most money on our Adopt Together profile [just specify which team in a comment]. We will also tally contributions made in person or by mail. We'll give updates periodically and announce the winning team during the Iron Bowl half-time. We will dress the baby in an outfit of the "winning team". Any questions? Tell your family and friends!
Thank you.
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