Friday, January 25, 2013

Sweet Stranger

We went to the library to make up for our ill-fated attempt earlier this week.
A dear kind women at there sought me out to tell me that I was doing a good job.  As a mother.  She thought I was a good mom...  She was having a hard day; but she made a point to bring joy to mine.  She made my day.  Honestly, she made my week.  I really appreciated her thoughtfulness.  She drew from many years and told me,  "The days are long; but the years are short."  I won't soon forget your wisdom kind stranger.  Thank you.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Locked Out

I don't have the best history with cars...  So much so, that my father's speech at our rehearsal dinner was pretty much about this topic.  I wouldn't say I'm a bad driver-- I just do not so smart things with cars and weird things happening to me while attempting to operate vehicles.

I got my driver's license at 16 and was lucky enough to have a car to drive.  I'm now 31 and have had 8 cars.  Yes, 8.  I'd like to say that this is because most of them were at the end of their lives.  Honestly, I may have pushed some of them over the edge.  Oil changes were not at the top of my priority list in college.

So, [grab some note cards Dad] I had an interesting morning.  Tuesdays are library days in our family schedule.  The boy really looks forward to story time.  I wanted to leave a little early to leave time to play before hand.  The thermometer read a chilly 10 degrees.  Like any good Vermonter, decided to warm up the car.  I ran out and turned on the car.  Then it occurred to me: I hadn't sufficiently bundled up my boy.  I shouldn't leave my car running and unlocked!  So, I took the unlock key button thing off my key ring and locked my car.  My running car.  Back in the house, I dressed the boy in multiple layers, grabbed my purse, hustled out the door and locked it behind me.  Unlock button. Nothing. Hmm. Unlock button.  Nothing.  UNLOCK BUTTON!  UNLOCK BUTTON!  UNLOCK BUTTON... nothing.  And there I stopped short.  I looked ahead of me at my locked, running car.  I looked behind me at my locked door.  I looked beside me at my red nosed son.  I looked into my purse to realize my phone was warmly plugged into the charger in my bedroom.  Well, phooey.

The events that followed included rushing around the house checking doors and windows for any way into the house.  It. was. cold.  My sweet cottagey home came complete with stones strewn about the property.  Which of these lucky stones, I wondered to myself, would be the right one to break either my car window or house window?  Thankfully, it did not come to that. 

In the end, I managed to find my way to our house.  Necessity is the mother of invention.  I will not say how--for all those rascals frequenting my blog and wondering how best to break in.  But, I did it.

We didn't make story time today.  My car sat in the driveway, running, for two hours.  But all in all--we were safe and warm while we waited.  For that, I am VERY grateful.

There you go, Dad.  New material for my Mother of the Year award banquet.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

LCM Day.

So, you know how in math when you're trying to find the least common multiple you make list of multiples until you find a match? You keep going and going and eventually things line up?

2: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20...
5: 5, 10...

In any given month events can be staggered so nicely, then BOOM least common multiple day.  Everything lines up just right so that everything is happening all at once.  Yesterday was a LCM day.

We volunteer at the Route One Day Center on the third Saturday of the month.  Our community group makes lunch.  For about 70 people.  We made this really tasty roasted chicken, potatoes and carrots. Cooking, serving, visiting and cleaning filled the morning and afternoon.

I came home and went straight back to the kitchen.  Once a quarter I make coffee hour treats for church.  This is every four months.  Sunday was my day.  So, I whip up a batch of my favorite peanut butter Reese's cookies--pop them in the oven. Mix up the dough for the next batch... then it hits me: we have people with nut allergies at our church.  I can't bring these 4 DOZEN peanut butter cookies there!  Where is my brain? Think... think... oh wait-we have to go!

Several weeks ago, made a plan with friends to have dinner.  We randomly chose THIS weekend.  Nothing ever happens in January, right?  [LCM day.]  I finished my accidental cookies, threw our stuff in the car and had a lovely evening. 

Got home and went straight back to the kitchen.  Phew!  I ended up making Sopapilla Cheesecake Bars and Apple Muffins [confession: they're cupcakes].  Crawl into bed after midnight...

I really do love cooking for a crowd, serving at the Day Center, baking, sharing a meal with great friends, baking and Sunday morning coffee hour at Metanoia.  Next month, maybe just not all in one [least common multiple] day.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Secret Space of Dreams

I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing here... but I am so pleased to have a place to share good news.  Our family is going through lots of changes.  New house, new job, new family member?  We are starting the adoption process.  This is a big step for our family.  I thought a blog might be a good place to share updates on all of our many changes.  This will be the place to visit for fundraising opportunities, adoption news/information and fun Christy family adventures.  We do love a good adventure...  

So, why the name, "Secret Space of Dreams"?  The simple answer: it's a line from "our song".  Attics of my Life by the Grateful Dead [the perfect wooing music].  I walked down the aisle to this beautiful song.  The words are speak so beautifully of love--it seemed appropriate for a blog about the things I love.  Take a listen.

In the attics of my life, full of cloudy dreams unreal.
Full of tastes no tongue can know, and lights no eyes can see.
When there was no ear to hear, you sang to me.

I have spent my life seeking all that's still unsung.
Bent my ear to hear the tune, and closed my eyes to see.
When there was no strings to play, you played to me.

In the book of loves own dream, where all the print is blood.
Where all the pages are my days, and all the lights grow old.
When I had no wings to fly, you flew to me, you flew to me.

In the secret space of dreams, where I dreaming lay amazed.
When the secrets all are told, and the petals all unfold.
When there was no dream of mine, you dreamed of me.
                                        GARCIA, JERRY / HUNTER, ROBERT