Friday, February 1, 2013


We have a lot on our plates right now.  Thanksgiving-full plates.  I just have to remember the "Giving thanks" part.  My pastor from childhood faithfully sends messages each Monday and Friday.  I've been receiving them since college.  Too many times to count, Pastor Diggins' e-mail encouragement has lined up perfectly with the happenings of my life.  God does that.

This was his message today:

“And do not seek what you shall eat, and what you shall drink, and do not keep worrying” 
                                                                   Luke 12:29
    There are numerous synonyms for worry two of which are doubt and unbelief.  When we unnecessarily worry we often find ourselves robbed of assurance and peace that is ours in abundance when our faith is strong.  As an example consider the story in Mark 9 of a man who was at wits end worrying about his little boy who suffered greatly at the hands of an unclean spirit.  When he brought the boy to Jesus he said, “But if You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!”  Jesus replied, “If You can!  All things are possible to him who believes!”  In response to Jesus’ call to faith the father cried out and said, “I do believe; help my unbelief!”  (Read Mark 9:14-27)
  When doubts arise because of unbelief and worry begins to take a toll on us we should be quick to cry out as this father did, “Lord, I do believe; help my unbelief”.  Worry is lethal to our peace.  It quickly extinguishes hope and effectively kills our joy.  When we worry we become vulnerable to being driven by winds of uncertainty that cause us to make rash decisions that only make matters worse.  Caught up in such a whirlwind we sink deeper into despair which increases doubts that add to our worries and multiplies unbelief.
  It is not easy to overcome worry but it’s not impossible either.  Trusting in the Lord implicitly, prayer and holding onto the promises of God is, without comparison, the best remedy for worry.  If we feel our anchor slipping or sense we’re losing our grip on the lifeline that extends to heaven, be quick to cry out, “Lord, I do believe; help my unbelief.”

As we continue this adoption journey, it is hard not to worry.  Our hearts are open-- but right now the biggest hurdle is financial.  It seems impossible.  But, I am reminded and encouraged that with God all things are possible.  So, as I tuck my napkin into my collar and look down upon my heaping plate full of responsibility, and I will pray: "Lord, I give thanks!  I DO believe!  Help me not to worry.  God, help my unbelief. Amen."

1 comment:

  1. You have to remember not to write the story before it's written! I am pretty sure my head ever gets cracked open, inside will be a whole lot of ticker tape. My brain is constantly going through scenarios of saying the wrong thing, acting the wrong way, consequences of the worst, and others' voices. (Not in a schizo way, but what I think people think of me!) When we get ultrafocused on the ticker tape, we forget to live in the moment.

    The moment is I'm here, at work, taking a tiny break to check up on a wonderful friend who has an amazing adventure ahead of her. The moment is I'm happy to be breathing and working and researching ridiculous stuff that I'm not sure I've even wrapped my brain around. The moment is I can still taste the cheese I just ate and...I'm not wishing for more, I'm not waiting for the end of the day, I'm not wanting. I'm just breathing. JUST BREATHE! <3 God loves you - probably more than most people, (because most people are assholes and you're not), and your family will be even more complete and more loved and SOON!

    Keep chugging lady. Life lives in the here and now - not ahead.
